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openWindow (UI Automation - Navigation)

Compatible with:
  • Purpose
  • Opens a popup window (if a window with that ID isn't already open). After opening the window, you'll need to select it using the selectWindow command.This command can also be a useful workaround for bug SEL-339. In some cases, QaScribe will be unable to intercept a call to (if the call occurs during or before the onLoad event, for example). In those cases, you can force QaScribe to notice the open window's name by using the QaScribe's openWindow command, using an empty (blank) url, like this: openWindow(" ", "myFunnyWindow"). Care must be taken while giving Window URL because Window URL should not contain any spaces or special characters in Internet Explorer Browser. It is a good practice to use Window URL without spaces and special characters across all browsers.

  • Syntax
  • openWindow(url, windowID)

  • Target
  • URL - the URL to open, which can be blank

  • Value
  • a custom name has to be specified here

  • Return Value
  • N/A

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