addLocationStrategyAndWait (UI Automation - Manipulation)
Compatible with:
- Purpose
- Generated from addLocationStrategy
- Defines a new function for Selenium to locate elements on the page. For example, if you define the strategy 'foo', and someone runs click('foo=blah'), we'll run your function, passing you the string 'blah', and click on the element that your function returns, or throw an 'Element not found' error if your function returns null.
- We'll pass three arguments to your function:
- locator: the string the user passed in
- In Window: the currently selected window
- In Document: the currently selected document
- Syntax
- addLocationStrategyAndWait (strategyName, functionDefinition)
- Target
- strategyName - the name of the strategy to define; this should use only letters [a-zA-Z] with no spaces or other punctuation.
- Value
- functionDefinition - a string defining the body of a function in JavaScript. For example:
- return inDocument.getElementById(locator).
- Return Value
- The function must return null if the element can't be found.