QaSCRIBE Changelog
This document is about the enhancements and bug fixes of QaSCRIBE 2.0. This will guide you through the release versions and the issues that are fixed.
Release 2.0.10 (30-07-2018)
- Enhancement and Bug Fixes
- Validation for Invalid TestScript Opening: If the XML file that you are trying to open is invalid, then QaSCRIBE will prompt with a message saying "Invalid Test Script".Any file other than the XML will not be supported in QaSCRIBE.
- Issue with wrong command getting recorded: For some of the applications the command doubleClick is recorded followed by verification command when the verification command is selected from the context menu option "Worksoft SaaS QaSCRIBE". This is now fixed.
- Multiple commands recorded for a drop-down in Firefox: The issue with the click command being recorded along with select for selecting elements from drop-down is fixed.
- Auto Recording of Mouse commands in Firefox: The commands such as mouseMoveAt, mouseDownAt and mouseUpAt were auto recorded in Firefox browser while moving the mouse. In this release the mentioned commands will not be auto recorded.
Release 2.0.9 (16-07-2018)
- Bug Fixes
- selectWindow Command: The issue with the failing of subsequent command on usage of selectWindow command in the Chrome Instance is fixed. The test now executes without any error.
Release 2.0.8 (07-07-2018)
- Bug Fixes
- assertTitle Target value is URL: When there is no title for the web page, QaSCRIBE will not record null/blank value instead of the application URL.
- Auto shift focus to next element: After deletion of any instruction, the focus will shift automatically to the next instruction, which was not the case earlier.
- Validation for invalid files: When you try to open Test Scripts in formats other than XML, the system doesn't show any error, which is now been added to notify the format is invalid.
Release 2.0.7 (02-07-2018)
- Bug Fixes
- Issue with Mac Firefox(Blank window): Blank QaSCRIBE window when launched on a Mac device in Firefox browser is fixed.
- Issue with Multiple Locators:The issue with multiple locators where the first selected locator is shown/ replaced for all locators, is fixed.
- Locator Builder preferences reset when QaSCRIBE is re-launched: Auto-resetting of the Locator Builders preferences on re-lauching the QaSCRIBE window is fixed.
- Recording of click command while selecting a value from a drop-down: QaSCRIBE no longer records a 'click' command by default while selecting values from a drop-down.
- Issue with CTRL+Z in Firefox and Chrome: The issue with CTRL+Z is fixed which allows you to undo your actions using CTRL+Z in QaSCRIBE .
- Issue with copying commands: The issue with copying of some commands such as store, echo, assert/store/verify/waitForEval, assert/store/verify/waitForExpression, if,while, for, foreach, product is now fixed. The instructions with these commands can be copied without any loss from the target and value fields.
- Unable to find a locator with variable references: You can now execute your locators(XPATHs) with a variable reference. Ex: //p[contains(text(),"${name}")].
- Type command for phone and e-mail fields: The issue with type command for entering values in the e-mail field on Firefox and phone number, e-mail fields on Chrome is fixed.
Release 2.0.6 (25-06-2018)
- Bug Fixes
- Recording Click Command: Click command is automatically recorded for the input controls which is not required. The issue is now fixed where while recording on input controls the click comman is not recorded.
- Copy & Paste Instructions: Grouping of comments while copy pasting the instructions is fixed.User can "Clrt+A" all the commands &comments and paste the same in a new test script.
Release 2.0.5 (04-06-2018)
- Bug Fixes
- storeEval Command: The javascript snippets when executed showed error message - 'Invalid date'.This Issue has been fixed.
- Recording actions of child window in Firefox Browser: QaSCRIBE is now able to auto record the actions performed in the child window of the Firefox browser. The recording button will be enabled as soon as the user logs in, the user can turn it off explicitly. Also the options from the context menu of the browser will work/displayed only when the recording is on.
Release 2.0.4 (30-04-2018)
- Bug Fixes
- Entering text in an input field using type/sendKeys Command: Issue with type/sendKeys commands failing to enter text in the fields that have tag "type=email" has been fixed.
- Adding new Command/Comment from the context menu: The issue with adding commands/comments and other actions from context menu has been fixed.
Release 2.0.3 (16-04-2018)
- Bug Fixes
- Opening downloaded Test Script: The issue with an opening a downloaded XML Test Script from Worksoft SaaS has been resolved. You can now open downloaded Test Scripts in this release of QaSCRIBE 2.0.3.
- Target drop-down aligned: The issue with misalignment of the Target drop-down while scrolling is solved.
- My workspace and command grid drag and drop: The dragging entities from My Workspace and Command grid will not be allowed outside their respective boundaries.
- Date related JavaScript operation output: The issue with the output of Date related actions as [object Object] has been resolved and the output of the action will be seen in the Execution log of QaSCRIBE.
- Username is case-insensitive: The username to be entered while authenticating to QaSCRIBE is case-insensitive. You will now be able to authenticate by entering the username in any case.
- Changelog Hyperlink: You can view the QaSCRIBE change log by clicking on the version hyperlink.
Release 2.0.2 (26-03-2018)
- Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- QaSCRIBE is now 'Test Authoring for the Worksoft SaaS Automation Platform': QaSCRIBE window name changed from 'Smart Test Script Authoring Tool' to 'Test Authoring for the Worksoft SaaS Automation Platform'.
- Scroll bars appear on the QaSCRIBE window when resized: A scrollbar is added to the body to be able to access all the fields even when the window is resized.
- Selection of new command makes the Command, Target, and Value clear: Clicking on new command will clear the Command, Target and Value fields associated to the previously selected command.
- Right Click Menu Appearance: If a user clicks context menu when there is no space on the right, the context menu will be shown to the left.