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Release Notes - 07 May 2018

New Features available for you to benefit from:

Included in this release are the following features:

  • Request Email Notifications for the Test Executions within a Test Cycle
  • This is an enhancement that many of you have been waiting for. When executing tests within a Test Cycle, if you want emails notifications whenever you want (for example immediately after the tests starts executing within a cycle or when all the tests have completed executing or even when some tests have completed executing while others are in the progress or pending), within this release, you may now explicitly request for Email Notifications for all project stakeholders to have visibility into the latest/current status of execution of the Test Cycle. 

    The emails include key information about the test cycle (test cycle id, description, project environment(s), planned window, actual window, total test execution time) as well as the count of test runs by test run status.

    You can request the email notifications at the test cycle level in one of two ways.

    • Using the Worksoft SaaS app: A new icon in Test Cycles' Home Screen allows you to request an email notification that includes the latest/current status of execution of tests within a specific Test Cycle.


    • Using the Worksoft SaaS QaCONNECT REST API:  If you want to request email notification at a test cycle level using the QaCONNECT REST API, you can do so using either the service that you use to mark-complete a test cycle or a new service that allows you to request email notification that includes the latest/most current status of execution of tests within a particular test cycle. A parameter in the Test Cycle mark-complete service which allows users to trigger an Email when Test Cycle is completed.   For details on the changes to the mark-complete service and the new service, please refer to the QaCONNECT REST API docs here.

  • Products: A new icon to identify the 'Product Type'
  • A new Icon is made available to you to you to help you identify the 'type' of product ('Web App - Desktop/Mobile Browser', 'Native Mobile App' or 'Hybrid Mobile App') when Creating/Editing a Test Script. The icon is shown adjacent to the name of the product.

    Icon Product Type
    Web App - Desktop/Mobile Browser
    Native Mobile App
    Hybrid Mobile App

  • Ability to Minimize and Maximize the Asset Viewer
  • With this release,using newly available 'Minimize' and 'Maximize' icons that are placed right next to 'Close' button on the Asset Viewer window of a Test Run, you will be able to maximize and minimize that window. Until now, each time when you access the assets such as Screenshots, Videos, and Logs that takes a little longer time for the assets to load.

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