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Release Notes - 28 May 2018

New Features available for you to benefit from: 

Included in this release are the following features:

  • Additional Options in QaCONNECT REST API  for you to Request Email Notifications for Test Executions within a Test Cycle:
  • Recently, a new feature has been made available to you that allows all project stakeholders to request automated emails notifications from Worksoft SaaS when executing tests within a Test Cycle to get visibility into the latest/current status of execution of a Test Cycle. The email distribution can be timed to be sent from Worksoft SaaS at particular times within the life cycle of a Test Cycle. For example, immediately after the tests starts executing within a cycle or when all the tests have completed executing or even when some tests have completed executing while others are in the progress or pending.

    The emails include key information about the test cycle (test cycle id, description, project environment(s), planned window, actual window, total test execution time) as well as the count of test runs by test run status. 

    In the release notes for the release done on May 7th, two ways of requesting the email notifications at the test cycle level were detailed.

    • Using the Worksoft SaaS app: A new icon in Test Cycles' Home Screen allows you to request an email notification that includes the latest/current status of execution of tests within a specific Test Cycle. 

    • Using the Worksoft SaaS QaCONNECT REST API:  If you want to request email notification at a test cycle level using the QaCONNECT REST API, you can do so using one of the two services listed below.
      1. Using the service (
         that you use to mark-complete a test cycle wherein a parameter allows users to trigger receipt of an Email when Test Cycle is completed AND/OR 
      2. A new service (/executions/get-test-cycle-execution-status) that allows you to request email notification that includes the latest/most current status of execution of tests within a particular test cycle. 

    In this release, a 3rd option (service) is provided to trigger receipt of automated email notifications at a test cycle level using QaCONNECT REST API. 

    1. The service (/:domainname/executions) that you use to schedule the execution of tests is enhanced to accept three additional parameters.
      • getExecutionStatusByEmailIndicator
      • This indicator can be optionally set to 'true' to request a summary of the status of Test Runs execution scheduled with a specific test cycle, via email. An email will be sent with the final status of execution of runs within a cycle, once the execution is completed for all the runs scheduled with a specific call to this service. The default value for this indicator is 'false'.

      • scopeOfTestRunsForEmailNotification
      • By default, the email notification that gets sent will include the count of runs by execution status for all test runs that have been executed to date within a specific test cycle.

        If you don't pass a specific value for this parameter or pass a 'C' (stands for 'Cumulative'), the email will include the count of test runs by execution status for all test runs in the test cycle. If you pass the value of 'I' (stands for 'Incremental') for this parameter, the email that you get will only include the count of test runs by execution status for only those runs that are scheduled with a specific call to this service. It will not include counts of runs by status for any runs that are scheduled directly through the Worksoft SaaS or with other calls to this service that may have scheduled other runs before or after a particular call to this schedule runs service. The default value is "I"

      • notificationRecipients
      • The List of Email Recipients to whom the mail notification has to be sent. If this field is left blank, an email will be sent to the email address that corresponds to the user account that is used to make a request to the QaCONNECT REST service.Default value = 1 if not passed.The Email is received only when the Test Runs status reaches a logical completion.

 For details, please refer to the QaCONNECT REST API docs here.

  • QaCONNECT REST API: A change to in Test Cycle Mark Complete service 
  • The behavior of the service that is used to mark complete the status of a Test Cycle (/executions/:projectname/:testCycleIdentifier/mark-complete) has been restored back to what it was prior the release on May 7th 2018 where in a test cycle is only allowed to be closed when there are no test in that cycle in the 'In Progress' status or 'Scheduled' status. This means that, if you requested email notifications using parameters in this service, the email will be sent by after all tests in that cycle have completed executing. 

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