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Release Notes - 07 Jul 2018

New Features available for you to benefit from: 

Included in this release are the following features:
  • Test Scripts Home Screen: New Functionality & Productivity Improvements
  • A number of functionality and productivity improvements are now available for you to make use of.

    (a) Ability for each user to define his/her own 'Favorite' Test Scripts within the Project-level Script Library

    The Script Library for each project is shared across multiple people that may share the responsibility of creating and maintaining the scripts within the library. As the number of test scripts increase as you accomplish more and more automation within your projects, so far, each person had to search to find the script they are interested in creating, debugging or maintaining from the entire script library. With this release, each user has the ability to mark up to 200 test scripts as their own favorites. Once work related to a script has been completed, if you decide to remove that script as a favorite, you can unmark the script as a favorite. 

     All favorites of a user will show up in a new tab captioned 'My Favorites' tab (view) within the Test Scripts' home screen. All scripts including those that show up on the user's 'My Favorites' show up in the 'Script Library' tab (view). 

    You will be able to perform search within your own 'My Favorites' or within the entire 'Script Library'. Hopefully you don't have to search within your 'My Favorites' if you keep the list of favorites small and limited to only that subset of scripts that you are currently creating, debugging or maintaining. 

    To mark (or tag) a test script as a favorite, just click on the 'yellow' star icon with a plus sign on a blue circle within the 'Actions' column when on the 'Script Library' tab. To mark a script from being your favorite, you can click on the 'yellow' star icon with a minus sign on a red circle within  the 'Actions' column when on the 'Script Library' tab OR the 'My Favorites' tab. Its that easy!


    (b) Quick Actions vs. Full List of Actions

    Editing a test script and marking/unmarking a test script as a 'Favorite' are the most common actions someone would perform on a test script. 'Deleting', 'Downloading' and 'Cloning/Copying' a test script are less frequent actions that are performed on a test script. To declutter the screen, only the quick actions are shown in the 'Actions' column, by default. You can very easily expand to see the full list of actions by clicking on the black left and right facing arrow heads. To go back from full list to quick actions, just click on the left facing black arrow head.



    (c) Quick Visibility into the list of Test Scenarios and Run Definitions a Script is assembled into 

    The blue corner badge on the top right hand side corner of the '# Scenarios' and '# Run Definitions' columns, when clicked. will you provide you quick visibility into the list of test scenarios and the run definitions a script is part of. Previously, you had to click on the number (count) within the cell, go to the 'Test Scenarios' page or the 'Run Definitions' page to see the list. If you want to drill down to the Scenarios or the Run Definitions, click on the numeric counts listed with the cells of these two columns. The blue corner just provides you quick visibility into the list of test scenarios and run definitions. 


    (d) Single-page listing of scripts within your project-level 'Script Library' or 'My Favorites'

    The list of scripts within your Script Library or My Favorites (or even your search results) are shown in a single page unlike before where the scripts are listed across multiple pages. In addition, the screen real estate is better utilized now allowing for the entire script name to be shown. The description, if any, that you may have added to the test script, the product the script is attached to, the creation and last modified details are available for you to see on click of the blue (corner) badge in the cell that shows the script name. 

  • Automate the generate the Test Cycle Level Test Outcomes report(s) using Worksoft SaaS QaCONNECT REST API services
  • So far, when you wanted to generate the Test Cycle Outcomes reports, you had to manually navigate to 'Analytics' module and trigger the generation of the reports for the Test Cycle of interest to you. In this release, you can accomplish the same in an automatic fashion by making using one of the following options available to you as part of the Worksoft SaaS QaCONNECT REST API. 

    Option A: Call a new service that is now available

    Ideally, this new service must be called as soon as the automated tests, within a test cycle of interest to you, complete execution. You should pass as mandatory inputs the test cycle identifier along with the project name. Optionally, you can specify the list of recipients to whom the email notification will be sent to once the report generation completes. 

    In the DOCS page for the Worksoft SaaS QaCONNECT REST API, within the table of contents, there is a a new section captioned "Analytics" that lists the new service:

    Option B: Call the enhanced service that allowed you to mark the completion of a test cycle  

    Two new parameters (both optional) are added to this previously existing service that you can use to get the test outcomes reports generated and an automated email notification sent to you (and your colleagues) as soon as the analytics reports are generated. The parameters are:

    1. generateTestCycleOutcomesReport
    2. mergeEmailNotifications: This parameter will let you indicate to Worksoft SaaS platform that you want a single email notification sent to you (and your colleagues) once the test cycle outcome reports are generated instead of two two separate mails for Test Cycle Execution Completion Notification and the Test Cycle Outcomes Report Generation completion.

  • Productivity Enhancement: Test Runs Execution "AutoScroll" Feature
  • When the application that you are automating against has a vertical scrollbar, until now to get the screenshot that is taken as part of the automated test to include the element that the test is interacting with, you had to explicitly make use of the command 'scrollToView' to bring the element into the viewport. With this release, you do NOT have to explicitly make use of that command. Implicit 'Autoscroll' is implemented now.

  • Test Cycles module: Enhancement that provides you granular visibility into tests completed with failures and without failures
  • So far, a graphical icon just provided visibility into the count of tests that completed execution but did not provide separate counts for completed with failures and completed without failures. In this release, a new icon (listed below) that blends a green check mark and a red check mark provides granular detail on the count of test runs completed with failures and the count of test runs completed w/o failures. The same information is also now included in the email notifications that are sent to you.

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