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'My Favorites' : Managing your own personal favorite test automation artifacts

The Library for each project is shared across multiple people that may share the responsibility of creating and maintaining the test automation artifacts within the library. As the number of test automation artifact records increases as you accomplish more and more automation within your projects, it becomes difficult for each person to search and find the artifact records they are interested in creating, debugging, or maintaining from the entire test automation artifact library. 

Worksoft SaaS allows you to mark up to 100 records as your favorites for each of the test automation artifact types (excluding the User-Defined Variables). The smaller the list of favorites, the better it is for you to find them quickly.

Once work related to a test automation artifact record has been completed, if you decide to remove that artifact record as a favorite, you can unmark the artifact record as a favorite.

All favorites of a user will show up in a tab captioned 'Favorites' within the test automation artifact home screen(s). All test automation artifacts including those that show up on the user's 'Favorites' show up in the project-library 'Library' tab.

One user cannot see the favorites of other users. He/she will be able to see his/her own favorites within the home screens of each of the test automation entity types.

You will be able to perform a search within your own 'Favorites' or within the entire 'Library'. Hopefully, you don't have to search within your 'Favorites' if you keep the list of favorites small and limited to only that subset of artifact records that you are currently creating, debugging, or maintaining.

To mark (or tag) a test automation artifact as a favorite, just click on the 'black' star icon within the 'Actions' column when on the 'Library' tab. To mark a script from being your favorite, you can click on the 'yellow' star icon  within the 'Actions' column when on the 'Library' tab OR the 'Favorites' tab. It's that easy.

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