buildHTMLAnchorTagToAccessTestExectionDetail (Team Notifications, Alerts and Collaboration)
Compatible with:
- Purpose
- This command returns the complete HTML anchor tag that contains the testRunId along with the hyperlink to access the execution detail page within the Worksoft SaaS application for that testRunId. The returned value will be of the format " <a href="<hyperlink"><testRunId></a> ". The testRunId is optional in the first command. If not passed, the command will return the hyperlink for the test run id in context. This command can be used along with the command 'replaceSubstringOccurrencesWithinAString' to dynamically include testRunIds (into the emails composed and distributed from within automated tests) that are hyperlinked (s) to the test execution detail page(s) within the Worksoft SaaS application.
- Syntax
- buildHTMLAnchorTagToAccessTestExectionDetail(variableName, testRunId(optional))
- Target
- variableName
- Value
- testRunId(optional)
- Return Value
- N/A