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Propagate your value of a setting to other users for the same project

Before this you might want to read:

Share your Settings with Other Users of this Project 

If you are a project lead for a specific project, you will also be able to propagate/share your own settings with other users that have access to that project and allow or disallow them to deviate from the settings you shared with them. If you are a project lead, this empowers you to establish best practices within a project and to improve the productivity of peer users that have access to this project.

You have two options to choose from when propagating the value of your own settings & preferences to others:

  • Propagate your setting's value to others and "lock (prevent) those users from editing and personalizing" the propagated value. You should choose this option when you know that the value you chose for this setting makes sense for all other users in your project and you think any other value will make those users either less productive or will help you not have the consistency of usage across users within your project.
  • Propagate your setting's value to others and "allow them to edit or personalize" the value based on their own preference. You should choose this option if you want to share the values of some or all settings & preferences with other users to get them started with a good starting point but know that the users need the ability to personalize it further based on their own needs. You would share the value of your own settings & preferences because you feel that if you didn't you are worried that the other users may not tap into the value of the personalization feature available in Worksoft SaaS for settings and hence you at least want them to inherit the personalization you did for yourself. 

Steps that you should follow to propagate your settings & preferences other users that have access to the same project

To initiate the process of propagation the value of one or more of your own settings & preferences from the current project context to other users (in the context of the same project), you should click on the icon that looks like 3-heads as shown in screenshot below, for each setting that you want to propagate, and once you are done (you must) click 'Save' to get the propagation completed. It is not necessary that you choose the same option (among the two options described in the section above) for all settings. You can mix and match the 'default & allow for edit' and 'default & lock from edit' across your settings.


When you click on the icon shown below, you would see a green checkmark superimposed on that icon which indicated that it has been selected for propagation to your other users. When one option is selected, the other gets disabled (grayed out) by default. Each icon acts like a toggle . You click once to select it for propagation. You click it again to deselect it from the scope of propagation.



Just remember to click the 'Save' button once you are done with your selections for propagation. If you do NOT click on the 'Save' button, the propagation will NOT happen.   

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