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Understanding how to run tests "locally" using QaSCRIBE

Executing tests "locally" using QaSCRIBE

You can execute a test (a script stand-alone or in the context of a scenario or run definition) "locally" using QaSCRIBE. Before you start with executing tests, it is recommended that you make yourself conversant with the following settings.
  • Environment for QaSCRIBE authoring and executions (click here for help article)
  • Allow overrides of the environment from QaSCRIBE context (click here for help article)
  • Default Play Speed (click here for help article)
  • Allow overrides of play speed from QaSCRIBE context (click here for help article)
  • Begin the execution on New Tab from QaSCRIBE context (click here for help article)
  • Allow overrides of executions on New Tab from QaSCRIBE context (click here for help article)
These settings change the steps of executing a test in a local browser and also can influence the behavior of the test execution.

To start local execution, open the test script either in the View or Edit mode. You can execute the test script as a stand-alone or you can choose to execute it within the context of a Scenario or Run Definition

In the view/edit test script window, click on the button "Start Execution" to start the local execution. Depending on the settings you selected in the Project Settings/Test Script Execution and Debugging section, the behavior of the following steps will change

a) If "Allow overrides of play speed from QaSCRIBE context" checkbox is checked-on, then you are given a provision to change the test script execution speed during the local executions.

b) If the option "Begin the execution on New Tab from QaSCRIBE context" is checked-off, a popup shows with the list of tabs opened in the browser window. You would need to select an entry from the drop-down for you to proceed

Once the option is selected, you will be redirected to the tab in which the application is opened and the test starts executing. At the same time, the "Execute & Debug" pane is added in the tab where the test script is opened. While the test is in progress, you can switch between all the three views i.e. application table, Test Script pane or Debug & Execute pane in the tab Worksoft SaaS is opened.

"Execute & Debug" pane shows results while the execution is in progress. Even though you can switch between test script pane and "Execute & Debug" pane you won't be able to edit test script while the test is in progress.

It is not necessary that you execute a test script in its entirety. You have the option to execute just a single test instruction, start execution at a particular test instruction instead of the first and break at a particular test instruction as well. To learn how to execute a subset of test instructions, click here.

In the view/edit test script window, click on the button "Start Scenario/RD Execution" to execute the test script in the context of a Scenario or Run Definition. When clicked on this button, it will bring up a popup with the list of Scenarios & Run Definitions that the test script is part of.

You can select one entry from the drop-down and proceed to execute the chosen Scenario or Run Definition. Before the test starts executing, it goes through the preprocessing wherein bindings done to the specific Scenario or Run Definition are read and bound to the test. Once done, the application would be launched in a new tab or the control will be moved to the application tab depending on the settings

If there are any issues with binding the data, pre-processing will fail and show the specific reason for the failure.

Execute Run Definition/Scenario locally from the respective Home screens

You can execute the Run Definitions/Scenarios locally from the Run Definitions/Scenarios Home by selecting the default testing context for the local browser by clicking on the "Play" button or selecting the local Testing Context and clicking on the Execute button will ask you for the Tab and Environment selection. Upon selection of the Tab and Environment redirects to the Execution Details tab. Before the test starts executing, it goes through the preprocessing wherein bindings done to the specific Scenario or Run Definition are read and bound to the test. Once done, the application would be launched in a new tab or the control will be moved to the application tab depending on the settings.

If there are any issues with binding the data, pre-processing will fail and show the specific reason for the failure.

During execution or after the completion of the execution of the Test Runs, you can redirect to the respective Test Script in the 'Design & Build' tab by clicking on the Script Count Badge icon. Until then, the 'Design & Build' tab will be in the disabled state. You can make the changes to the current Test Script in the 'Design & Build' tab and on saving the Test Script, it would redirect to the Test Scripts Home screen. A confirmation popup would be displayed when you try to navigate to another script having the changes made to any of the existing test script.

If you refresh the page of the locally executed Test Runs, it would display the options where you want to navigate to.

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