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Data Filters - Operators

In this article you learn different operators available for creating Data Filters. And for some of them you also see how to use use them. Animation available in this article is captured from Data Filters module. The same holds good while creating Data Filters in View Data File page as well.

'=' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters all the data rows matching the value specified in the Value field.

'!=' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters all the data rows apart from the value specified in the Value field.

'>=' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters all the data rows having data greater than or equal to the value specified in the Value field.

'<=' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters all the data rows having data lesser than or equal to the value specified in the Value field.

'>' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters all the data rows having data only greater than the value specified in the Value field.

'<' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters all the data rows having data only lesser than the value specified in the Value field.

'IN' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters the data rows based on the value specified in the 'Value' field. Multiple data rows can be filtered by giving multiple values separated by '|'.

'NOT IN' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters the data rows that don't have the values specified in the Value field are filtered. This implies, the data rows filtered will not have the value given at the Value field.

'BETWEEN' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters all the data rows for a range specified in the Value field. Syntax (Value field): a,b Where a and b are two different values.

'DISTINCT' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator filters all the data rows which contain repeated values in the Value field.

'CONTAINS' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator works specifically on Text (Worksoft SaaS doesn't differentiate between data types and every field in a data definition is considered a text field) and filters all the data rows even if the text is entered partially in the Value field. (Text input is case-sensitive).

'REGEX' Operator:
For the Attribute selected, this operator works on regular expression (sequence of characters that define a search pattern) and filters all the data rows for eg: “find and replace”- like operations in the Value field.

To know more about the Regular Expressions, you can check the website.

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