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Understanding the Application used for Training: “Health Insurance Cost Calculator”

The Worksoft SaaS Test Automation platform can be used to develop and utilize the test automation for 'Digital Applications' in any vertical industry. It is a single SaaS+Cloud platform to automate Functional Testing, UI Testing, Mobile App Testing, API Testing, DB Testing, Performance Testing and Synthetic Monitoring.

To ensure consistency in our training course offering to our customers across vertical industries and to maximize the learning of Worksoft SaaS features, we developed a simple-but-powerful application that is used within all our training courses.

This application is called the ‘Health Insurance Cost Calculator’, referred to as ‘HICC’ in short. This application is modeled after the Obama Care (which is the colloquial name given to 'The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act', also the 'Affordable Care Act' in United States of America). Don't get alarmed folks! While the inspiration for our training app 'HICC' was Obama Care, the actual functionality that is offered within our app is pretty simple. Actually, it is universal to all countries in the world.  

The HICC app allows an individual (single or with a family) that is interested in verifying if he/she is eligible to get a subsidized health insurance plan based on his/her income, age group and geographical location (zip code), the size of the family and whether or not his/her employer offers health insurance via the individual employment, and if eligible, returns the cost of buying an insurance through Obamacare (also known as 'Annual Premium') along with Penalty the individual will end up paying to the U.S Government if the individual does not carry Health Insurance at all (either through Obamacare or through private Health Insurance companies). The use case is pretty straight-forward and simple to understand and has universal applicability everywhere, right?

Three Different Versions of the HICC Application (to mimic real-life):

In real life, within your company, you most likely have one version of your application in your production environment, and the next version (release) of your application being tested in your QA environment, and the next release or application version being developed and unit/integration tested within your Development/Integration environment.

To mimic this real life scenario, the HICC app also has 3 flavors or versions. The version of software in the production environment is the first version which supports limited functionality. The version in QA environments adds some additional features and includes some changes and bug fixes. The version in Dev/Integration environment further modifies or enhances the functionality.

The above illustration details the functional scope of each of the 3 flavors or versions of the HICC app.

All 3 environments of HICC web app are publicly accessible by you. The URLs to get to these apps are listed below: For Mobile app testing course we have similar Mobile apps built for training. These Mobile application also consists of three environments and are available for Android and IOS Devices. You can download the apps from the download center.

Below are the steps to download the application.
  • Login to WorkSoft SaaS.
  • Click menu
  • Scroll down the list and Click on Download Center.
  • Scroll down the list and click on Download option next to WorkSoft Native Mobile App Downloader Component.
  • Select the Operating System, Environment in the pop up.
  • Click on Download.
Can't wait to test drive these apps? Just click on the URL for the Production environment (listed above) and when the app opens up just enter the following input values and click on the 'Calculate' button at the bottom of the HICC calculator.
  • Age of the oldest person on insurance policy:  45

  • Enter your yearly household income (dollars):  20000

  • Zip code of person buying insurance:  08817

Diverse Data Sets that Allow for Extensive Test Coverage:

In reality, there are probably a million combinations of inputs that Obamacare Insurance Premium Cost Calculators can accept as inputs (combination of zip code, income, age, family size and whether or not employer offers insurance) for which the Premium and Penalty and if other options like Medicare or Medicaid are available an indication of the availability of such alternative options.

Our business at Worksoft SaaS is not to support all the combinations of inputs. What the HICC supports in terms of combinations of inputs is minuscule compared to the full set of combinations that's Cost Calculator supports. However, our HICC training app does support a carefully selected small subset of data that will help you experience the power of both simple and advance features of Worksoft SaaS, including data-driven testing.

HICC Application Supports Many User Interface Elements:

HICC training app supports a wide variety of all commonly used Elements that are used to build the User Interfaces of Enterprise Digital Applications. The below illustration lists the UI elements that are supported grouped into 'Input Controls', 'Navigational Components' and 'Informational Components'.

HICC Application Supports A Variety of Testing Types:

HICC App can help you learn how to develop (implement) and realize value from test automation that meets the needs of various types of testing you may want to perform on the Worksoft SaaS Test Automation Platform. The below illustration lists the various types of testing that HICC can support. By the way, HICC can speak two languages - English and Spanish! Just use the language toggle on the top right hand side.

Repository of Manual Test Cases = Scope for Test Automation

As part of the training, you will get a chance to experience how to automate the manual test cases that we have carefully crafted for you (again to help you learn not only the simplest of features of Worksoft SaaS but also advanced features).

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