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Options available in the Locator Validity Check & Magic Wand feature

To validate the locators for the UI elements, Worksoft SaaS provides you with multiple options that can be selected before the validations are performed. As you see the options in the below popup, let us go through each of them in detail.

  • Identify invalid locators that can't individually match any element (visible/hidden) on the UI: When you select this option, it identifies the invalid/stale locators which do not match any UI elements.

  • Identify the locators that individually match hidden (invisible) elements on the UI: On selecting this option, it identifies the locators of the invisible/hidden UI elements.

  • Identify the locators that individually match more than one visible/hidden element on the UI: When you select this option, it identifies the locators that match more than one visible/hidden UI elements.

  • Identify all the above: On selecting this option, it finds the locators with all the above-mentioned combinations.

You can set the default option whether the prompt to be shown or not by setting it in the 'My Project Settings for Test Scripts module'.

You can see the different icons shown on performing the validity check and are described as shown below:

  • For the locators that are unique and valid, you can see the 'Magic Wand' icon shown for such locators.
  • If any of the locators individually match more than one visible and/or hidden elements on the UI, those locators within the locator drop-down is visually identified by a yellow sad face icon with a count of the elements that are matched as a superscript.
  • It is also possible for a locator to match (one or more) visible element(s) and one or more invisible element(s). In this case, a yellow sad face is shown indicating that the same locator also found a visible element. And, the eye icon with a cross mark, as shown above, represents that they are hidden elements available for the same locator.
  • If any of the locators can't match any visible or hidden elements on the UI, those locators within the auto-expanded drop-down of locators are visually identified by a red frustrated face icon.

You can control the selection of the options you make while using QaSCRIBE (performing the Locator Validity check, Magic Wand usage to update/delete/add the locators available and during Locators Replacement) by having the default settings made in the 'My Project Settings for Test Scripts module.

To know more about how to set the default settings for your project, please click here.

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