Worksoft SaaS Jira Integration Overview
JIRA is a proprietary issue tracking product developed by Atlassian that helps you and your team in keeping track of the reported bugs.
Worksoft SaaS supports integration with Jira.
You can integrate your Jira software with Worksoft SaaS in a couple of ways.
a) Using the Worksoft SaaS Jira Integration App (recommended): This approach will require you to install the Worksoft SaaS Jira integration app which is based on OAuth 2.0 (3LO) app. This approach does not require you to enter your credentials for your Jira account within the screens of the Worksoft SaaS application and you can have the secured way of integrating with Jira. Hence, this approach is recommended for Jira integration. Once you install this app, you can create issues in your Jira account within the Worksoft SaaS application.
b) Using Jira API Token based authentication: This approach will require you to first generate an API Token from within your Jira account and then key in (or copy/paste) that API token along with the Jira hostname and email into this screen. If you choose this approach, the API token will be stored within the Worksoft SaaS platform. If your API token gets expired within Jira or you regenerate a new one, you are expected to update the Jira API token into this screen right away so that you can continue to create issues or query them from within the Worksoft SaaS platform.
Please use the links provided below to begin your journey to start the integration of Jira within the Worksoft SaaS Application.