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Delete Jira Integration

You can delete the JIRA Integration with Worksoft SaaS by clicking on the below icon.
While Worksoft SaaS allows for you to delete the Jira Usage Context, we recommend that you use this feature after thorough discussion. When you choose to delete a Jira Usage Context, you are accepting for Worksoft SaaS to delete linkage to all Jira issues created using the context.

If the reason for deleting the Jira Usage Context is to not allow anyone from your team to use it in future, you can loose to use the option of "Inactivating" a Jira Usage Context. This would allow for you to retain the history of linkage of Jira issues to the Test Runs and not allow any of your team members to use this Context for creating or linking Jira issues in future.

When clicked on the delete icon, you will be able to see a popup as shown below where you may need to select "Yes/No" buttons. If "Yes" is clicked, the Jira Usage Context will be deleted.


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