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Lesson 3 Topic 4 Features

This article is a part of the Self-paced Learning Series for the Course: First-Hand Experience of Worksoft SaaS.

Please refer to the link for more details on the Course.

Introduction of Worksoft SaaS Feature/Concept :: Lesson 3 :: Topic 4

1. Run Definition
We know that a Scenario is used to assemble multiple Test Scripts. Similarly, if multiple Scenarios need to be executed at a time, we can use another feature called 'Run Definition'. 

A 'Run Definition' is Level 3 in this case.

Run Definition typically represents a 'test suite' you want to execute on a specific schedule. 

For example, you can create a Run Definition called 'Smoke Test Suite' or 'Mini Regression Suite' or 'Full Regression Suite'

2. Testing Context
Before we get ready to execute our tests, it is important to select which Environment, Device, OS, Browser combination to execute on. 

This combination can be defined and saved with the help of a feature called Testing Context. The benefit of a Testing Context is that once it is created, it can be reused.

Multiple Testing Contexts can be created by varying the combinations of Environment, Device, OS & Browser and each Testing Context will be identified by a unique Testing Context Key.

When choosing the environment details in the Testing Context, it is important to ensure that the intended Environment is already saved on the Environments screen.
While choosing the Devices, OS, and Browsers, the latest versions are made available by Worksoft SaaS.

In addition to these, the Testing Context also gives us the option to capture test documentation in the form of Screen capture, Video capture, etc grouped as Execution Log Settings.

3. Cloning Testing Contexts
When we want to create multiple Testing contexts, Worksoft SaaS provides us with a clone feature using which we can save time and manual effort and only change the specific details of the cloned copy. 

For Example: If we want to execute the same tests on 2 Browsers like Chrome and Firefox, we can create the first Testing context and clone it to create the second Testing Context and only change the Browser from Chrome to Firefox.

4. Execution Log Settings
Execution Log Settings helps you select settings like Screenshots, Video, Log files which are also referred to as 'Assets'

They render visibility to your tests, especially in cases where the tests do not execute as expected.

4.1 Execution Log Settings - Screen Capture & Video Capture
Screen Captures are provided for each Testing Context during or after the execution of the Test and are available for all clouds in Worksoft SaaS. Various settings are available for a screenshot like: 
Screenshots on Error or All Instructions (whether they pass or fail). Screen Captures on Error consume fewer minutes from the "Daily Capacity" available within your Worksoft SaaS domain compared to All Instructions.
You can also choose from 'Real-Time' or 'Post-Run' or 'Time-Lagged'.  
'Real-Time' means a screenshot is available immediately when an Instruction completes execution (consumes most minutes from your 'Daily Capacity'). 

'Post-Run' means screenshots are available ONLY after the entire test completes execution (consumes least minutes from your 'Daily Capacity').

'Time-Lagged' means screenshots are available for a set of instructions that completed execution with a time lag (Minutes consumed from your 'Daily Capacity' is usually between the minutes consumed for the other 2 options). 

Video Capture: Video captures are available for Worksoft SaaS Cloud & Worksoft SaaS Realtime Cloud and if enabled, the video log is available in a few minutes after the test execution completes. Your test execution will take more time when the video capture is used and hence more minutes are consumed from your 'Daily Capacity' that comes with your Worksoft SaaS subscription level. 
In most cases, Screen Capture alone will be able to help you debug test run issues.

4.2 Execution Log Settings - Selenium Web driver log capture, Network log capture & Console log capture
If you are familiar with raw Selenium (or Selendroid or Appium) runtime standard output logs, you can turn this option on, and once the test completes, the log will be made available to you.
When you choose "Cloud Platform" as "Sauce Labs", you have a log that is exclusively accessible for Sauce Labs i.e, Cloud Logs Capture. 

Also, you can also select Network Log and Console Log Capture for this cloud provider.

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