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Lesson 12 Topic 1 Features

This article is a part of the Self-paced Learning Series for the Course: First-Hand Experience of Worksoft SaaS.

Please refer to the link for more details on the Course.

Introduction of Worksoft SaaS Feature/Concept :: Lesson 12 :: Topic 1

My Project Settings for Test Scripts
While recording a Test Script and while performing playback, we are asked to make certain choices by the system. It is possible to set up the default behavior, by selecting your preferences in the Project Settings. However, your Project Lead has the privilege to decide the default settings for all users and also decide whether an individual user is allowed to change the preferences or not. This privilege is provided to him/her to make a decision based on your Project and to ensure the Project's best practices are followed by all users. You can check your Settings by navigating to the 'My Project Settings' screen. When you go to the 'Test Script' tab and click any drop-down and if you're able to see the drop-down options, that means you have the edit access. In case, all the drop-down fields are greyed out, then you are not granted access.

Let's say you do have the edit access, then it's important to understand what each setting means.
The settings & preferences for Test Scripts are grouped into 4 main sections:
  1. Test Scripts Search & Listing
  2. Test Scripts Create/Edit/View Settings
  3. Test Scripts Execution & Debugging
  4. Test Scripts Design and Build

1. Test Scripts Search & Listing
There are 2 settings under this tab -

1.1 The 'Default Tab' setting allows you to choose your landing page for the 'Test Scripts' module. Worksoft SaaS default is the 'Script Library' page, but you can also change this to 'My favorites' to make it easy for you.

1.2 The 'Display in Actions column' setting is about the 'Actions column' in the Test Instructions Grid. The setting is to choose whether you want an expanded view or a collapsed view. Worksoft SaaS default is 'Quick Actions Only' which only shows two icons. If you choose the other option i.e. 'Expand Quick Actions' you will get to see all the icons whenever you land on the page.

2. Test Scripts Create/Edit/View Settings
The only setting in this section i.e. 'Disable the Tooltips text' is about the Tooltips in the Actions column of the Test Instructions Grid. The setting is to enable/disable it. If you enable the Tooltips, you can use the Toggle button (available in the header of the Test Instruction Grid) to switch on/switch off manually as per your need. If you disable the Tooltips, the toggle button will not be available. 

A recommendation is that you enable it until you have a good understanding of different icons in the Instructions grid.

3. Test Scripts Execution & Debugging:
These settings are to override the default behavior while recording a test script or performing local executions. 

3.1 AUT Environment settings help you choose whether the system should prompt you to select the environment or use the one you select here. For example, if you have two environments QA & Production and you are going to work in the QA environment for some time in the future you set QA as default and make the system use it without prompting every time you use QaSCRIBE.                   
3.1.1 AUT Environment: Default selection when executing tests locally: All the environments that are saved under Products will show up in the drop-down and you can choose the environment that you want to execute your test on, as your preference.                                                        

3.1.2 AUT Environment: Let users change (override) the AUT environment to one that is different from the default: This preference is in continuation of the previous preference. After you choose your preferred environment you ensure this is unselected thereby forcing the system to use the environment selected in the previous step.     

3.2. Browser tab used for execution: This Setting is about the 'Multiple options to Start the Recording'. On the Test Scripts, when we click the record button, the 'Start Recording' pop-up box appears based on the options we choose here. There are 2 preferences available under this Setting:

3.2.1 Browser tab used for execution: Default to a new tab always - Don't prompt user for selection of a tab: On selecting this option, every local execution gets executed in the new tab and the pop-up box will not appear. This means you always need to manually enter the URL of your Webpage when this option is preferred.

3.2.2 Browser Tab Used for Execution: Let you choose one of the already existing tabs or a new tab: Only when you select this option, you will see the pop-up box with options like New tab or Existing tab to execute your test locally.

3.3. Play Speed: This Setting is about the Play speed options we see on the local execution. There are 2 preferences available under this Setting.

3.3.1 Play Speed: Default value (The higher the value the slower the execution locally): You can set a default play speed for all the local executions as per your preference. It ranges from 0-10 seconds where 0 is fast execution and 10 is slow execution. This saves your time in adjusting your preferred play speed for each individual execution.

3.3.2 Play Speed: Let users change (override) the speed to a value that is different from the default when executing a test: This setting is more for the Project Lead. As a best practice, if he/she does want the team to stick to a specific value and not allow them to override they can select the options.

4. Turn on visibility check: If you want to interact with elements that are having visibility flag OFF, you can turn on this setting. When this setting is ON, Worksoft SaaS will not check if the element is visible while interacting with it. Just a note that this will be removed in one of the future releases (as cloud executions don't support this behavior)

4. Test Scripts Design, Build and Maintenance:  
In this section, we have settings that are related to Recording and Maintaining the Test Script, however, we'll be focusing only on the Recording related Settings.

4.1. Record assertTitle automatically: In most cases, it might be extremely important to ensure that your AUT page is loaded completely, before proceeding with further actions. When this setting is turned ON, Worksoft SaaS will automatically add 'assertTitle' command after every page navigation.

4.2  Record Absolute URL: This setting has to be used along with the setting 'Browser Tab Used for Execution'. If your application is built in a way that each page is an extension to specific base URL, then having this setting turned OFF will record only the extension. And this will allow you to use the URL from the product/environment while executing the test. 

4.3  Select Test Instruction Locator Sequence for Executions: This setting is provided to suit your preference based on your domain. QaSCRIBE records all possible locators, however, you can organize the sequence of using these locators for execution based on your preference. 
For example, if your application is configured to have element ids dynamically generated, pushing 'id' to be the last option would be better as it would be the last one that would be attempted.

4.4  Show count of available locators for an UI element in the QaSCRIBE context menu: This setting is related to Context Menu. If this option is enabled, the number of locators available for an element is displayed. 

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