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Creating and Managing a Machine User

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Process of Creating New Machine Users

The process of creating machine users is quick and pretty straight-forward. You go through a wizard style user interface that walks you through a series of sections that have mandatory information to be filled out.

The Create Machine User screen is made up of several sections and sub-sections. Each of sub-sections are arranged using an accordian style layout where in only one sub-section can be opened at a time.

The listing below summarizes the various sections and sub-sections that you are available to be filled out within the New Machine User Creation wizard:

  • User Information
    • Name & Purpose Info: This sub-section allows you to enter name of the machine user and optionally the intended purpose for this new machine user.

    • Organization Info:This sub-section allows you to optionally capture the user's organizational unit (department or division). This data is captured for informational purposes to the administrative personal users. This data has no significance in Worksoft SaaS.

  • Authorizations
    • Projects:This sub-section allows an administrative person user to choose which projects a new user should have access to within the Worksoft SaaS domain. It is not necessary that a user should be authorized to at least one project within a domain. A machine user can be authorized to all the projects within the domain. In other words, there is no limit on how many projects a machine user can be authorized for within a domain.

An administrative person user need not complete the user set up in one go. The user can complete the setup across several login sessions. Until all the mandatory information is filled out in the above-listed sections and sub-sections, the new machine user account will remain in a WIP (work in progress) status. If you complete the set up of a new machine user using the New Machine User Creation wizard, then automatically the user's status is changed to 'Active' and the necessary email notifications will go out to the new user.

Additional sections and/or sub-sections that are available for administrative users during machine user set up and/or ongoing user management

The listing below summarizes the various sections and sub-sections that are available to administrative users as part of ongoing administration and updates to users:

  • Security
    • User Aliases: One or more (up to 20) aliases can be set up by each user, if the user chooses to. The Administrative Person Users have read-only access to the user aliases owned by a user. Please note however, that an administrative person user can create and manage aliases for users of the 'machine user' type. The main purpose of user aliases is to get parallelism of execution of tests by allocating (restricting) aliases to have specific/limited capacity and concurrency.

    • QaCONNECT REST API Access Key:This is a secure user-level access key that can be used to make calls to the Worksoft SaaS QaCONNECT REST API. A key is automatically generated for all new users. Any administrative person user can regenerate the access key of any machine user within the domain. It is strongly recommended that any such administrative person user resets the QaCONNECT Access Key of every machine user periodically.

  • Authorizations
    • Authorize Person Users:This sub-section allows an administrative person user to grant permission for one or more person users to make use of the user aliases that belong to a machine user within the domain. This allows any such person users to tap into the capacity and concurrency that may be have been allocated currently to the user aliases of a machine user.
  • Capacity & Concurrency
    • Capacity & Concurrency:As mentioned above, this sub-section allows the user to see and change the capacity and concurrency allocated to user aliases. Administrative person users can allocate/update the capacity and concurrency to user aliases owned by a machine user.

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