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Release Notes - 19 Apr 2021

New Features available for you to benefit from:
  • QaCONNECT REST Services enhancements to bulk assign root causes of failure and issues within the project-level 'Issue Store' to multiple test runs within a specific test cycle

    Two new QaCONNECT rest services will empower you to bulk assign root causes of failure and issues within the project-level issue store to multiple test runs  within a specific test cycle as you perform the triage of test runs that experienced failure conditions. Please refer to the QaCONNECT REST API docs page for details on these two services.

    1. Bulk assign root causes for failure to one or more executed test runs within a specific test cycle:

      Using this new service, the bulk assignment can be done as a replacement of currently assigned root causes or as an addition to currently assigned. Please note that if the test run has not reached one of the end states viz., ‘Completed w/ failures’, ‘Aborted’, ‘System Aborted’, or ‘Cancelled’, the assignment will not be done.

      A typical use case where this service can come in handy for you is wherein a test cycle has many runs that could have all failed for the same root cause for failure. You must have spent some time in analyzing the root cause for one or a couple of those tests by potentially viewing the test execution results (including watching the screenshots, videos, log files, etc) and may be even attempting to manually executing the same test. This analysis may have helped you realize/determine that other automated tests that were executed within the same test cycle have also failed for the same exact root cause. In this case, instead of you assigning the root cause for failure (label) for each of the failed test runs within the Worksoft SaaS application one at a time, you can make a call to this service to bulk update (set) a particular root cause for failure to a list of test runs.

      Please note the following service that has been available so far within QaCONNECT REST API that offered a subset of the functionality that this new service offers will be deprecated by the 19th of May 2021. Therefore, it is recommended that you migrate to using the more powerful new service right away.

    2. Bulk assign issues within the 'Issue Store' to one or more executed test runs within a specific test cycle:

      Using this new service, the bulk assignment can be done as a replacement of currently assigned issues or as an addition to currently assigned. Please note that if the test run has not reached one of the end states viz., ‘Completed w/ failures’, ‘Aborted’, ‘System Aborted’, or ‘Cancelled’, the assignment will not be done.

      A typical use case where this service can come in handy for you is wherein a test cycle has many runs that could have all failed for the same reason (issue). You must have spent some time in analyzing the root cause for one or a couple of those tests by potentially viewing the test execution results (including watching the screenshots, videos, log files, etc) and may be even attempting to manually executing the same test. This analysis may have helped you realize/determine that other automated tests that were executed within the same test cycle have also failed for the same exact issue. In this case, instead of you assigning the issue within the project-level issue store for each of the failed test runs within the Worksoft SaaS application one at a time, you can make a call to this service to bulk update (set) a particular issue to a list of test runs.

  • Support for capturing the Google “Lighthouse” Web Core Vitals Performance Metrics for your application when you run tests on Google Chrome

    The currently existing Worksoft SaaS command 'runEventTimingFunction' is enhanced to capture the web core vitals metrics like CLS, FID, LCP, FCP when you run tests on Google Chrome browser.

    Some background: On May 5, 2020, the Chromium project announced a set of three metrics with which the Google-backed open-source browser would measure performance.The goal of these metrics is to measure web performance in a user-centric manner. At this point, Web Core Vitals comprise 55% of Lighthouse’s weighted performance score.

    Here is a definition of the metrics:

    • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures perceived load speed and marks the point in the page load timeline when the page's main content (page’s largest image or text block) has likely loaded. Click here to learn more about this metric. 

    • First Input Delay (FID) measures responsiveness and quantifies the experience users feel when trying to first interact with the page. Click here to learn more about this metric. 

    • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)measures visual stability and quantifies the amount of unexpected layout shift of visible page content. Click here to learn more about this metric. 

    • The First Contentful Paint (FCP) metric measures the time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page's content is rendered on the screen. For this metric, "content" refers to text, images (including background images), "svg" elements, or non-white "canvas" elements. Click here to learn more about this metric. 

  • A more efficient workflow to ‘Link Jira Issue to an Issue in Issue Store'

    To more efficiently find the issues in your Atlassian Jira account that you want to link to issues in the Worksoft SaaS Issue Store, now, you will be able to filter based in 'Issue Type' and 'Issue Status' in Jira. You will also be able to key in a search string into the 'Issue Keys' dropdown so that you can see the issues in Jira that match your search string.

    The screenshots provided below illustrate the new functionality.

  • New Browser/Device Platforms supported in Worksoft SaaS:

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