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How do I access a POST service - REST

This example demonstrates getting the execution status of a test run by accessing a GET service - REST.

In the solution shown below, the GET method is used to retrieve information from the given server using a given URI. The requests using GET only retrieve data and has no other effect on the data.


# Command Target Value
Start of a web service block
1 wsBlockOpen

To set the Header Protocol
2 wsSetProtocol
To set the request URL for getting the results of the test run
3 wsSetRequestURL
To set the type of request method to hit the appropriate service  
4 wsSetRequestMethod

To set the authentication type - Basic
5 wsAuthenticationType Basic
To set the Username to login to Worksoft SaaS Domain
6 wsSetUsername
your user name
To Set the Password to login to Worksoft SaaS Domain
7 wsSetPassword your password
To set the request body format and output type
8 wsSetRequestHeaderParam Content-Type
Set the payload required for accessing the service
9 wsSetRequestPayload {
  "TestCycleIdentifier": "Your Test Cycle Identifier",
Execute the Service Request
10 wsExecuteRequest
To get the response code
11 wsGetResponseHttpStatusCode

End of a web service Block
12 wsBlockEnd

Tips, Tricks, Gotchas & Best Practices:  

  • You can also Remotely trigger executions of automated tests in Worksoft SaaS and expect a Callback from Worksoft SaaS when execution completes/aborts using POST method.
  • You can prepare all the test runs of a test cycle (or a subset thereof) for execution. This step is also called 'preprocessing' the test runs using POST method.

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