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Release Notes - Oct 25 2021

New Features available for you to benefit from:
  • Test Cycles module enhancements

    A new actions menu is implemented within each row of the test cycles listing. When the actions menu is opened, you will be able to see the test cycle identifier on the top. This structure allows for the rollout of some exciting features (like the ability to view/generate reports, etc.,) that are in the works.


    In addition, the default search criteria is modified to only show the 'open' test cycles. If you want to see the 'closed' test cycles, you will have to change a different option from the 'status' dropdown in the search criteria.


  • Ability to get test runs assigned to specific labels "excluded" when using the “batch results” QaCONNECT REST API

    So far, this service allowed you to select the test runs that were assigned specific labels by the use of a parameter 'includeRunsOnlyAssignedtoLabels’.

    The service is now enhanced to include a new parameter called 'excludeRunsAssignedtoLabels' (optional) similar to the existing parameter 'includeRunsOnlyAssignedtoLabels’. You can use both these parameters simultaneously as long as the list of labels you pass into these parameters are mutually exclusive.

    One of the many use cases where this new parameter will be beneficial is requesting the service to return all test runs within a test cycle for which the “Do not show in report” label is not assigned. This will return even test runs for which no root cause of failure is assigned.

  • New Browser/Device Platforms supported in Worksoft SaaS:


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