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Performance Testing :: Module 3 :: Lesson 5 :: Topic 5.2 Assigning Labels (Read)

This article is a part of the Self-paced Learning Series for the Course: Performance Testing

Please refer to the link for more details on the Course.
Introduction of Worksoft SaaS Feature/Concept :: Lesson 5 :: Topic 5.2

1. Assigning labels

After creating test scripts for business scenarios, we need to assign Usage step Label.

While doing performance test, anyone expects to see how the application is responding. And capturing the reponse time for entire business workflow will help you to measure overall response time of application, but let's say one of the screens is taking more time than expected, how to identify it?

For example, take an order placing scenario. Lets consider searching produts and selecting product from search list are not taking much time but after performing the Add to cart action, the application is taking more than expected time to load. To identify and capture response time of such critical steps, we will assign a label to the test scripts which performs the crtical actions. With this, we can capture the repsosne time as well as push these to reports to view them post performance test.

In addition, if the same action/usage step (typically a test script in worksoft saas) is used in multiple business workflows, you can also see average response time of same usage while application is loading with multiple users or sessions.

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