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Creating & Managing Environments within a Project

In software deployment, an "environment" is a computer system or set of systems in which a computer program or a software component is deployed and executed. Within the context of the Worksoft SaaS platform, an "environment" is a computer system or set of systems in which a "product" within a project of your SaaS account (domain) is deployed and executed.

As part of your SDLC process, you most likely have 'development' and 'production' environment and one or more environments in between like 'QA' or 'Staging' or 'UAT'.

You can create all the environments that you use within your company inside your project within your SaaS account. These environments are required when you schedule and execute automated tests that you build within the Worksoft platform.

You will also need them when you create products within your projects inside your SaaS account.

This article will help you access the 'Environments' screen, create and manage environments, and drill down from environments to product and back.

Accessing the 'Environments' screen:

While at the project level context, access hamburger menu and click on "Environments" option access Environments module.

Viewing the 'Environments' listing:

From the project level hamburger menu access the "Environments" options t land on the Environments listing page.

Creating a new Environment within your Project:

While on the Environments listing page, click on "Create" button to add new environment. Upon clicking the button new row would be added in the grid in as the first row. Provide details such as Environment & Description before saving the record. The record will initially show 0 in the "Products" field until you assign values to the Environment by editing the Product.

Editing an Environment within your Project:

You can edit an environment while on the Environment Listing page by clicking on the edit icon (first icon in Actions field) in the corresponding row. Clicking on the icon will enable editing for "Environment" and "Description" fields.

Inactivating and Activating an Environment:

You can Activate (an Inactive) or Inactivate (an Active) environment by clicking on the three dots icon in the "Actions" Field. The brings up a small drop down with either of the options based on whether the environment is Active or Inactive i.e. for an Active environment you would see "Inactive" option and vice versa.

Filtering within your 'Environments' listing:

In all listing pages across modules in Worksoft SaaS, an option is provided to filter records in the grid. Similar to that, you have similar option in Environment Listing page. Clicking on the icon, available at the far right and over the gird, will show a text area. You can type text from either Product or Description to filter records.

Same icon can be used to close the filter and Eraser icon to remove the filter.

Drilling down from an Environment to the linked Product(s):

Listing grid provides option to quickly check what Products are using specific environment. This can be accessed by clicking on the blue ribbon icon provided in the "Products" field. You can open View Product by clicking on the icon shown beside the Product Name in the overlay

Drilling down from a Product to a linked Environment:

You can access specific environment in Environment Listing page while working on a Product. While on View or Edit Product page, use the "open in new tab" icon for corresponding Environment to land on Environment Listing page with corresponding Environment filtered.

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