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FAQs on Mobile App Automation

  1. How do I upload a native mobile app?
    • You can upload the mobile app from the product page in SaaS by selecting "Secure Worksoft Storage Based Access" .

  2. What is the maximum app size we can upload for automation?
    • The maximum app size we can upload is 1GB for BrowserStack and 4GB for Sauce Labs cloud.

  3. Is mobile app storage in SaaS & cloud permanent? If not, how long are they available?
    • Once the app is uploaded to the cloud provider, it stays for 30 days in BrowserStack & in Saucelabs for 60 days in their storage before the app gets deleted, once removed, we can just reupload the app.

  4. How many apps can we upload in total to SaaS? What is the max capacity?
    • Each Environment can hold one app and we can have multiple environments depending on the requirement.

  5. Why do we have to maintain different environments for different apps?
    • Each environment can only hold one app in its storage, so it's imperative to have multiple environments for different apps.

  6. Do we create two different products for two devices (iOS & Android) or two different environments(iOS&Android)?
    • It's ideal to maintain only one product but have independent environments with platform appended to it as a prefix or suffix. For example: Prod Android & Prod iOS.

  7. What is the difference between de-link and delete app?
    • Delink unlinks the app but keeps it in the SaaS storage which can be reused in future when needed but when we select delete app, it permanently removes the app from secure storage and cannot be retrieved.

  8. How do I get the app URL to perform Manual Walkthrough in Appium?
    • Once the app is uploaded to the cloud provider, you will be able to see the app URL displayed in "Mobile App Version & identifier(s)" in product page which shows like bs://1d92287136b[.....], this can be used to launch session in Appium.

  9. Where do I get credentials for launching apps in Appium Inspector?
    • Once you have an active subscription, the login credentials can be obtained from SaaS Administrator account, by clicking on hamburger icon on top left & accessing Selenium Cloud Platforms > Mobile App Cloud

  10. Appium is stuck in the loading screen when I’m trying to launch a session.
    • If the device you are trying to perform manual walk through with is already being used by someone else, the cloud provider will not allow you to access the same device and as a result your session gets stuck in the loading screen.

  11. I’m unable to pinpoint the location of an element to interact with in Appium precisely, how to make this process easier?
    • You can use "Show Element Handles" toggle button in top left of Appium which shows all the interactive elements present on the screen.

  12. Can we check the validity of locators in Appium?
    • Yes, you can check the validity of locators in Appium by clicking on 'Search for Element' button and pasting the locator.

  13. Can we inspect native mobile apps using the web version of Appium Inspector?
    • No. We cannot launch the mobile apps using Web Version of Appium due to limitations at the cloud (Sauce Labs and BrowserStack) level, so the only way would be to install the stand alone Appium Inspector.

  14. Can custom clouds be added by users?
    • Worksoft SaaS doesn’t support custom clouds.

  15. If we have a BrowserStack or Sauce Labs subscription, can we use it to execute tests using Worksoft SaaS?
    • As of now Worksoft SaaS supports integration with external cloud providers for Sauce Labs & BrowserStack only, you can refer to this article for more information: link

  16. Do we have to create two different scripts for iOS and Android?
    • You can have only one script but have two or more locators added to each instruction, so they can execute in either Android or iOS. Refer to this link for more info: link

  17. How do I know whether the command I want to use is supported in native mobile app testing?
    • You can find out the command compatibility in uservoice, beside Compatible with: logo by hovering over it.

  18. How do I launch the app in SaaS while performing automation?
    • When the run is triggered, the automation automatically launches the app and performs execution provided we select the right product and environment.

  19. Can I execute tests on emulators and real devices?
    • We could execute tests only on real devices in the Browserstack cloud which is the primary real devices testing cloud, however if there's a requirement to run tests in emulators, we would have to switch to a different cloud which is connected to Saucelabs.

  20. Tests are stuck in scheduled state and/or getting System Aborted?
    • Please check and make sure that the testing contexts are properly selected, choosing a device in SaaS which is not available in cloud provider could result in runs not getting executed. Also, make sure that the correct product is selected for scripts & environment in the testing context page.

  21. Can we handle network change (online/offline) or between (wifi/cellular) connection?
    • We do not have capability to exclusively switch between networks (wifi/cellular).

  22. If the app is closed in automation can we open it back?
    • Yes, we can be able to open the app back by using startActivity command if it's Android, but in the case of iOS, we would have to navigate just like a real user would and automate the same.

  23. Can I open any link that opens any web browser and then come back to the main app to continue testing?
    • Yes, you can open any link that launches the browser and then come back to the main app by using startActivity command if Android or by performing navigations like a user would if it's iOS since startActivity command isn't supported.

  24. Is there video capture available for real devices?
    • Yes, the video capture is available for real devices.

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