Upgrading your Worksoft SaaS Subscription Level
If the 'Daily Capacity' that comes with your current Worksoft SaaS Subscription level does NOT allow you to increase your test coverage OR if you want to be able to run higher number of tests in 'parallel' (increase your 'Concurrency'), you should consider upgrading your Worksoft SaaS Subscription Level.
You can upgrade your subscription from your current level to a higher level. For example if you are at the Small level, you can either upgrade to Medium, Large or Custom levels; likewise from Medium to the Large or Custom levels and so on. If you are already at the Custom level, we can create a new Custom plan that is more suitable for you.
To upgrade, just send an email to saas_support@worksoft.com indicating your domain name and the subscription level you want to upgrade to and we will rapidly process your request. You will get detailed instructions on options for payment as well.