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Nested 'Explicit' Loops - Makes it even more powerful

fictitious (but realistic) application and the desire/demand for test coverage by automation will help you very quickly realize the 'power' (and flexibility) Data-Driven features of Worksoft SaaS offer you.

Let's assume that you have a web application called 'Physicians (Doctors) Search' that on the home page shows the 'Specializations' of the Doctors. When you click on any particular 'Specialization' on the home page, the application presents the 'States' within the country where the Doctors with the chosen Specialization reside. When you click on a particular 'State', the application presents the 'Cities' within that State that have Doctors with the chosen Specialization.  When you click on a particular City, the application lists all the Doctors in that chosen City with the chosen Specialization.

Now if you want your automated test to start with each Specialization, validate that all the States you expect to see actually show up on the States listing page, and for each State in that list, verify that the Cities you expect to show up actually show up on the Cities page, and when you click on each City in the list, verify that all the Doctors you expect to see actually show up on the Doctors listing page.

For each Specialization 
     Get List of States;
     For each State 
           Get List of Cities;
           For each City
                 Verify if Doctors that are expected to show in fact show up on the app;

It may be easy for you to either get from the Business Users or SMEs within your company an excel list of Doctors you expect to see listed on the application by City and by State and by Specialty. 

Your challenge is to make your automated test to iterate through all the data sets in the excel sheet(s) you get from the business users or SMEs and validate that the application is presenting the content/data as per the expectations as captured in the excel document.

With the 'Explicit' Data Looping and Data-Driven feature of Worksoft SaaS, designing/configuring your automated test in Worksoft SaaS to iterate through the 3 levels of looping (Doctors within City, Cities within a State, State within a Specialty) becomes extremely easy and efficient.  

You are excited now, aren't you about the Explicit (and Nested) Data Looping? Especially since you can do this without coding with a programming language.

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