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Creating (and Uploading) a "Data File" - By CSV Import

To create a "Data File" in Worksoft SaaS in the context of your Project, from the hamburger menu click “Data Files”, and when on the home screen of the “Data Files” module, click “Create” button.

To create a Data File, you just need to give it:

  • A “Name” that is easy to remember the name (something that serves as a short mnemonic to not only you but to other colleagues of yours)
  • A “Description” that will help you (and colleagues of yours) remember its purpose over time (When you go back to view/edit it a year from the time you created it, we don’t want you to think ‘What is this data file for?’ OR ‘Why did I create it this way?’)
  • Assign/Associate to the 'Data Definition' that its structure follows
  • Click 'Add Data' button. On a pop-up window that opens up,
  • Specify (by checking off or unchecking a checkbox) if your data file has the column headers as its first row
  • Browse the CSV file that has the data from your local file system/network share and (Browser) Upload the file into Worksoft SaaS
  • When the data from your CSV file is successfully imported into Worksoft SaaS and appears on the pop-up correctly, click 'Proceed' button

Obviously, before you start Uploading the CSV file that has the 'data' (test inputs and/or expected outputs), you should have created the 'CSV' file directly OR create a Microsoft Excel file (or Google Sheets document) on your local file system/network share.

Before you create, please know the following restrictions

Formats Allowed: .CSV
Maximum Rows Allowed: 5000
Maximum Columns Allowed: 250
Maximum File Size Allowed: 5 MB

If you attempt to upload more than 5000 then Worksoft SaaS  throws an alert message as 

"The CSV file you are attempting to upload has more rows (Data Sets) than 5000 (the maximum number of data sets allowed in a single Data File). "

Once the data from the CSV file is successfully imported into Worksoft SaaS, the data would appear on the screen as shown below. If your data looks good, click 'Proceed' button
Status of the Data File

Once you have keyed in the Name and Description for your Data File and imported data from a CSV file, you will have to decide if you want to save your Data File with a "WIP" (stands for "Work In Progress") or with an "Active" status. 

Worksoft SaaS does not allow you to make edits to an "Active" version. When you attempt to edit an "Active" version, Worksoft SaaS will create a "WIP" version for you to edit while your "Active" version remains as is. Once you make the necessary edits to the "WIP" version, you can "Activate" it. Until you "activate" the "WIP" version, you will see two versions of the same Data File (one that is in “Active” status and another in “WIP” status).

You can edit a "WIP" version multiple times until you are happy with it. It will make sense to save a Data File in "WIP" status if you are not sure that the file you just created is final OR know that you may need additional changes to it.  

To save as "Active", please click on the "Save as Active" button. To save as "WIP', please click on the "Save as WIP" button.

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