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With Worksoft SaaS, you are NOT required to have a subscription with external Selenium Cloud Platforms like Sauce Labs or BrowserStack.

However, if you already have an account with either of these providers, and want to use that account with Worksoft SaaS, feel free to use it to get your tests in Worksoft SaaS to execute on either of these clouds using the minutes that come with subscriptions with those providers.

If you don't have an account with any Selenium Cloud Platforms, don't worry, your Worksoft SaaS subscription will automatically include the use of the Sauce Labs infrastructure to execute your Worksoft SaaS tests. You do NOT need to purchase an account from Sauce Labs directly.

Worksoft SaaS offers a seamless integration w/ both Sauce Labs and Browser Stack (3rd party Selenium Cloud Platforms).

In fact, we love such platforms so much that we internally use Sauce Labs for executing tests for Worksoft SaaS customers (that do NOT have their own subscriptions of Sauce Labs or BrowserStack). 

We are a Sauce Labs Partner.

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