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How do I know the Maximum and Used "Time Capacity" and "Concurrency" for my Domain?

When you log in into your Worksoft SaaS domain, at the bottom of page, you will see a section with that has 3 separate icons with captions “Subscription Capacity”, "Subscription Concurrency" and "Time to Reset" that looks as shown below:


There are some key data points that are worth noting from this section: 
  • The first number "Subscription Minutes" indicates the capacity that is left for (all) users within your domain to use for the current “Day” is printed there in “Minutes”.  The mouse over on this first number will give you the hours available per day at your current Worksoft SaaS Subscription level and out of that (available) capacity how many minutes are available to be used during the current day.
  • The "Subscription Concurrency" shows 2 different numbers. The denominator represents the maximum number of tests (Run Definition executions or Scenario Validations) you or others within your domain can run in 'parallel', The numerator will tell you the numbers of tests (Run Definition executions or Scenario Validations) that can be additional scheduled/triggered for execution over and beyond the "currently" running tests.  The mouse over on this 2nd icon will give you access to the total number of tests currently running, total available, and queued tests if any. Any tests that are scheduled beyond your maximum concurrency will be queued up for execution. Queued tests will start executing as concurrency becomes available (as the currently executing tests complete). Please note that Worksoft SaaS will let you schedule additional tests beyond your maximum concurrency allowed as per our domain's subscription. You will NOT be prevented from scheduling tests beyond the maximum concurrency allowed per our your domain's subscription.                       
  • The value within the "Time to Reset" item, printed in HH:MM format, represents how soon from your current local time the daily capacity will “reset”. The mouseover text on this number will tell you exactly what time in your local time zone will the daily capacity reset. This time will be the same for you every day except that it may be adjusted for daylight savings. Please note that a "Day" in Worksoft SaaS is defined based on UTC time and will reset at 00:00 Hrs UTC.

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