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Creating Predecessor and Successor Scenarios

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During Automation, there can be a requirement where you might have to perform certain mandatory actions before(Predecessor) and after(Successor) a workflow. For instance, while testing an eCommerce site, you may have to Login every time as a user, add a specific product to the cart and Log Out.

In the aforementioned example, Login and Log Out are two actions that are required to perform irrespective of the actions that are performed in between. Hence, these can be marked as Predecessor (Login) and Successor (Log Out) Scenarios. 

Predecessor and Successor Scenarios are created when we create scenarios. In other words, while creating a Scenario you can add other Scenarios as Predecessor and Successor Scenarios. 

Steps to Create Predecessors / Successor Scenarios:

Let us consider the eCommerce example create the required Test Scripts.

Create 2 new Scenarios, one to perform the Login action and another to Perform Log Out action.

Navigate to Scenarios, click on Create.

Enter the Name, Description and assemble the Test Scripts required to perform 'Add to Cart' action.

After performing the above step, click on the 'Predecessors' / 'Successors' tabs present beside 'This Tab' and select the Login and Log Out Scenarios in Predecessors and Successors tabs respectively

Save the Scenario as 'Add to Cart'.

Navigate to Run Definitions, click on Create and enter Name and Description.

Now, while you have to assemble the Scenario from the Scenario Library, you would see two different icons for the 'Add to Cart' Scenario that we just created. Click on the following icon from the pick column to select the Scenario along with the Predecessor and Successor Scenarios.

Once you have selected the Scenario, in the Selected Scenarios you would now see the icons that show the Predecessor and Successor Scenarios.


Mouse over on these icons will give you names of the respective Scenarios. If there are no Predecessor/Successor Scenarios the icons appear greyed out.

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