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Adding a Test Script to your 'My Favorites' (and removing it from there)

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Significance of the adding a test script to your 'favorites':  

The Script Library for each project is shared across multiple people that may share the responsibility of creating and maintaining the scripts within the library. As the number of test scripts increase as you accomplish more and more automation within your projects, so far, each person had to search to find the script they are interested in creating, debugging or maintaining from the entire script library.

Worksoft SaaS allows you to mark up to 100 scripts as your favorites. The smaller the list of favorites, the better it is for you to find them quickly.

Once work related to a scripts has been completed, if the person decides to remove that script as a favorite, he/she can unmark the script as a favorite.

All favorites of a user will show up in a tab/view captioned 'My Favorites' within the Script Library Home screen. All scripts including those that show up on the user's 'My Favorites' show up in the 'Script Library' tab.

For more details on 'My Favorites', click here.

Making a test script your favorite on the edit/view test script screen:  

To make a test script your favorite (or to add it your favorite test scripts), just click on the yellow star with a blue plus icon that appears within the many icon controls that appear on the top right hand side of the test script name.   

Removing a test script from your favorites on the edit/view test script screen:  

To remove a test script from your favorites, just click on the yellow star with a red minus icon that appears within the many icon controls that appear on the top right hand side of the test script name.   

 Searching for (finding) a test scripts that are your favorites':

The Test Scripts home screen allows you to see all your favorites in the 'My Favorites' view. To learn more, click here

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