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How do I read if a radio button is selected or not

This example demonstrates reading if a radio button is selected or not.

In the solution shown below, you will read if the radio button "Faimly of 2" of the "Number of people on insurance policy:" options in HICC application is selected or not using "storeChecked" command.

Note: You are reading the value of an element from the UI and initializing to a variable <Variable Name>. The notation to reuse the value of the variable in Worksoft SaaS is ${<Variable Name>}.


# Command Target Value
Validate that the Radio button is selected
1 storeChecked //input[@id="rdo_family2"]  isFamilyOfTwoSelected
Print the selection retun value of radio button, true if it is checked, false otherwise. 
2 echo ${isFamilyOfTwoSelected}

Tips, Tricks, Gotchas & Best Practices:  

  • To understand more about selecting a radio button, click here.
  • To understand more about validating the selection of radio of button, click here.
  • If the above commands fail to verify that the radio button is checked then you can use the storeEval command as another alternative.
  • You can also apply the same command for reading if a checkbox is checked/selected or not.

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