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How do I validate that a particular checkbox is selected/checked

This example demonstrates validating the selected/checked checkbox.

In the solution shown below, you will select/check the checkbox option "Is coverage available from your or your spouse’s job?" in the HICC application using the "check" command and then validate the selection using "verifyChecked" command.


# Command Target Value
Check the checkbox "Is coverage available from your or your spouse’s job?"
1 check //input[@name="chk_employerInsurance"]  
Validating the checkbox is checked/selected
2 verifyChecked

Tips, Tricks, Gotchas & Best Practices:  

  • To understand more about selecting a checkbox, click here.
  • As an alternative, you are encouraged to use waitForChecked or assertChecked commands.
  • You can also use storeChecked command to read if the checkbox is checked or not. To understand more about this, click here.  

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