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How to perform 'Alt'+'Key' operation

This example demonstrates entering special characters into an input field.

In the following example, the special character will be entered into the Age input field in HICC application by pressing Alt key using "altKeyDown" command, entering the sequence of numbers using "sendKeys" command, and releasing the Alt key using "altKeyUp" command. In the below solution, you can check whether the Age input field is accepting the special characters or not and will be helpful to perform the negative validation.


# Command Target Value
Pressing the Alt key
1 altKeyDown

Enter the special character into a input field
2 sendKeys id=txt_age
Releasing the Alt key
3 altKeyUp

Tips, Tricks, Gotchas & Best Practices:  

  • The Alt keys with combination of any sequence number are used to generate the special characters that are unavailable on the keyboard.
  • Instead of using "click", you can directly use Alt+D to select the address bar.

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