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Create Run Definition

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Run Definitions allow you to tell Worksoft SaaS how you want to run your tests on the Worksoft SaaS Cloud. Run Definitions allows you to combine multiple Test Scenarios in a single test run and select the browser and operating system you want to use for your test and set the environment that you want to run your tests on.

Here is the step-by-step process to assemble a Test Run Definition.

1. Click on the "Create" button on the top right-hand side when you are on the 'Run Definitions' module to initiate this process. Or you can use the Quick Add feature in Worksoft SaaS using the 'Add New' drop-down on the top left-hand side and choosing 'Run Definition' from the drop-down.

2. Assemble the Run Definition from your Test Scenarios

You will be taken to the first step of the Run Definition creation process where you can enter the name of the Run Definition and a brief description. Click on Continue to move to the next step.

In step two you can pick the Test Scenarios that you want to include in your Run Definition. The Scenarios will be run in the sequence shown in the bottom grid on this page.

You can pick scenarios with Predecessor and Successor Scenarios, to know more about it click here.

After you have picked scenarios with Predecessor and Successor Scenarios, in the Selected Scenarios you would see the following icons that show the name of the respective scenarios when you mouse over on them. 


You can drag and drop the Scenarios to change the sequence. Click Continue to move to the next step.

The third step in this process is where you link files to your Test Scripts (contained in the Test Scenarios) if your tests include uploading files to your software. If your tests don't include these, this step will be automatically skipped.

The final step in the process is setting the testing context. You can set the environment that you want to use, the operating system, the browser and choose when you want to capture screenshots of your software's response to the tests. You can also set the version of your software (that is deployed in the chosen environment) that you are testing. This information is used in Worksoft SaaS Analytics.

You can also determine who gets notified when various events occur during your test execution. The list of people that can be notified is limited to the people that are included in your project. Note: There is no restriction on the number of people that you can have, so feel free to include as many you want.

Now, you can execute the Run Definition using the default testing context at the local browser level, Once you set the testing contexts for the cloud executions, your Run Definition is now available for scheduling tests either using the Worksoft SaaS Web application or using QaCONNECT.

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