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Test Scenarios & Test Run Definitions - An Overview


Worksoft SaaS® makes it easy to organize all your test scripts in a hierarchical fashion.

You can assemble Test Scripts into 2 higher levels of "aggregation:

1. Test Scenarios: This is an assembly or grouping of Test Scripts in a specific order/sequence. A Test Scenario in Worksoft SaaS typically represents a Business Use Case/scenario that you want to be independently tested.

2. Test Run Definitions: This is an assembly or grouping of Test Scenarios in a specific order/sequence. Test Run Definition in Worksoft SaaS typically can represent a 'test suite' you wanted to execute on a specific schedule. For example, you can create a Run Definition called 'Smoke Test Suite' or 'Mini Regression Suite' or 'Full Regression Suite'

In Worksoft SaaS, the high-level workflow (sequence of steps) that you have to use to create/edit a Test Scenario or a Test Run Definition is almost the same at a very high level. There are 4 tabs (steps) in the workflow:

1. The first tab captioned "Assembly" is used to assemble the smaller level units into a higher-level unit (scripts into scenarios OR scenarios into run definitions. This tab is also used to configure the data loops if your scripts are configured for execution in a 'data-driven mode'.

2. Second tab captioned "Bind Data" is used to complete the data and file bindings, that may be needed, based on the scripts or scenarios you assembled in the above step. Worksoft SaaS allows you to bind to 'Data Files', 'System Variables', 'User-Defined Variables' or 'Files'.

3. Third tab captioned "Specify Testing Context(s)" is used to create one or more Testing Contexts (combination of operating systems, browsers, devices, your app environments, etc) that you want Worksoft SaaS to execute the same assembly of 'test scripts' or 'scenarios'  upon for you to certify that your apps work fine on different platforms and devices. Each Testing Context allows you to specify/configure advanced settings like Geo-Coordinates, Language. Timezone, etc and the types of visual and textual logs you want Worksoft SaaS to collect for you (screenshots, videos, selenium/web driver logs, cloud platform logs, etc) when the automated tests execute in Worksoft SaaS.

4. The last tab captioned "Execute" is used to view the executions in progress or results of completed test executions. From this screen, you will be able to see the granular detail on the execution as well be able to access the visual and textual logs you wanted Worksoft SaaS to collect for the test (screenshots, videos, selenium/web driver logs, cloud platform logs, etc). You also have the support to download the execution results in PDF and Excel formats from this screen. If you are interested in viewing analytics on how a particular Run Definition did over time, you can jump to the 'Analytics' module from this screen.

Screenshots below illustrate the 4 tabs in the context of creating a Test Scenario and a Run Definition.

Since the workflow for Scenarios and Run Definitions is almost similar, it becomes very easy for you to be efficient in managing your Scenarios and Run Definitions. The easy-to-use and intuitive workflow will make you extremely efficient and will reduce the effort and cost of maintenance.

Creating a new Scenario or Run Definition:

There are 2 ways to create a new Scenario or Run Definition.

The easiest
way to create these entities is to navigate to the 'Test Scenarios' module OR the 'Run Definitions' module and click on the 'Create' button on the top-right hand side of the screen.

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